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Yoga sessions

In these "heckling" times our lifestyles, our habits, our priorities, our thoughts, Yoga & Ayurveda offer us a deep vision of our existence, in order to go through these moments of transition. Ayurveda draws its wisdom from the integration of our Nature, our interior universe in connection with the Macrocosm, the exterior universe.

By Isabelle Hernandez

Review of the 5 elements

These elements are interdependent; in Ayurveda, they are called pancha maha bhuta, the 5 states of matter. Ākaśa, space is the most subtle, when movement occurs, it is vayu, the air that comes into action. The movement causes friction which creates heat and tejas, Fire. The condensation of Fire will turn into jala, Water. And last step, the densification of water turns into prithivi, the Earth.

All these states of matter have specific proportions, specific to each one, defined at birth, it is our prakriti, our true Nature. The elements will be activated by the dosha, principles of movement intelligence for vata (Ether + Air), transformation for pitta (Fire + Water) and cohesion for kapha (Water + Earth). When they are found in vikriti (imbalances), these dosha evolve towards excess or insufficiency. For example, too much water causes congestion, too much fire, an inflammatory ground, too much air, drought. We can act on these dosha to find harmony.

Each element can be explored through food, lifestyle, yoga practice.

The exploration is vast and endless and we will offer practices to understand the essence of each of the elements.

Picture from-

The practice of integral Yoga with the Ayurvedic approach allows to go with finesse towards a practice adapted according to our constitution and our state of the moment. Let us take the example of a person of kapha constitution (Earth & Water). She will have every interest in stimulating Fire and Air in her practice to avoid her tendency to stagnate fluids. Stimulating, warming, demanding practices will be necessary.

This same orientation, practiced in excess by a person having a pitta constitution with a strong inner Fire, would risk "burning" him. But if this person of Pitta Nature learns to channel his Fire thanks to the strengthening of the elements Earth and Water, he will stimulate his Fire without risking a "fire".
