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Facial yoga

 Facial yoga - Healthy glow guaranteed!

As with the rest of the body, facial muscles need to be maintained to maintain their firmness, tone and flexibility. Did you know that facial yoga relaxes the facial muscles while boosting blood and lymphatic circulation? Good news, the healthy glow effect of yoga on the face is felt very quickly. Of course, you have to practice regularly and do breathing work at the same time to feel the beneficial effects. In this article, I present to you some facial yoga exercises that stimulate and relax muscles for a glowing and relaxed face. 

Restore elasticity to the facial muscles thanks to facial yoga 

With facial yoga, we focus on massaging and strengthening the facial muscles. Over the days, you will notice that the bags under the eyes deflate and the dark circles are less marked. Also, the oval of the face is redrawn and the hollow areas regain volume, it's magic! To enjoy the benefits of facial yoga, all it takes is a few minutes a day to fit into your morning or evening routine .

Facial yoga to smooth frown lines 

The frowning lion's wrinkle, which appears when you frown. By contracting the muscles of the eyebrows, the skin folds. The first exercise of our facial yoga routine therefore focuses on relaxing the inter-brow bone area  :

• Place your index and middle fingers on the area between the two eyebrows,

• Make 3 circles clockwise , then 3 circles in the opposite direction,

• Then, starting from this same zone, come up the fingers towards the forehead by opening them
