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All you need to know about this yoga pose

 It is one of the most famous positions of yoga, and used in meditation or in the Buddhist religion. The lotus pose has the ability to relax and unwind, but also to awaken your vitality. This characteristic sitting posture truly resembles a lotus, since it recalls the petals of a lotus flower, which grows to rise as close as possible to the sun.

The position promotes harmony and stability of the body, as well as the relationship between body and mind.


·         The origins of this posture

·         Lotus symbol

·         The benefits of the lotus position

·         How to practice it effectively?

·         Conclusion on the lotus position


The lotus, also called padma in Sanskrit , is a symbol particularly used in Asia. Over the centuries, the flower has thus symbolized a multitude of meanings, namely: purity and beauty; renewal and rebirth; enlightenment; wealth, etc.

The flower is found in the history of ancient Egypt and India, but it is also used in many icons, especially Hindu and Buddhist. Thus, Lakshmi (goddess of abundance), Ganesh, or even Buddha, are regularly represented in the company of this flower.

Yoga therefore emerged from these different icons. It is not clear when the first mention of the lotus occurred. However, it appears that the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali already spoke of the need for a comfortable sitting posture to practice yoga and achieve spiritual elevation. On the other hand, it does not clearly mention the position of the lotus.

A few centuries later (400 years AD), the idea of ​​Patanjali is further developed and taken up by the sage Vyasa . The latter speaks of the lotus posture as a particularly important posture for the practice of Yoga and meditation in general. Later, in the 15 th century, the first texts speaking of postures necessary for physical health, not just for meditation, are written.


Many words can refer to the lotus, pankajam is one of them. It means "that which is born in the mud". And for good reason, the lotus flower grows in the mud, in a swamp, but ends up rising above the ground towards the heavens, so as not to be damaged or soiled by what surrounds it.

The flower thus symbolizes what is beautiful and which ends up rising above its origins, with a certain form of liberation. Liberation from misery, but above all from suffering. Namely that liberation is the ultimate goal of yoga.

Among other symbols, let us note that the lotus, and more particularly its leaf, does not touch what falls on it, thus letting the water bead and slide without disturbing it. Thus, our mind should be inspired by it so as not to be disturbed by external events or our environment. The lotus can be found in all of us.


The lotus posture has several benefits, both physical and psychic.


The lotus pose allows the hips to be opened, the maintenance of an erect posture and the learning of an adequate posture. It also helps to work on the flexibility of the joints, ligaments, and muscles. At the visceral level, it fights against digestive disorders.

It also increases concentration and focus on a specific task.

The lotus pose also helps increase the energy levels of the human body. Indeed, the position promotes blood circulation in sometimes poorly oxygenated areas (viscera, spine ...) and it would awaken a dormant energy called "kundalini" (located at the bottom of the spine) in order to move it upwards. of the Chakra system.

This dormant energy moves by contracting specific areas (bandhas) located in the abdomen, pelvic floor and chin. The pelvic floor is also particularly worked during the lotus posture. And for good reason, the pelvic floor is directly in contact with the ground, while the heels press the lower abdomen which helps to guide the pelvic floor naturally upwards.

Once this technique is well mastered, yoga practitioners begin to feel a real force emanating from their body. They gradually learn to channel it, and then feel much less tired, and more energetic. This beneficial energy can then be used in various activities of daily life, but also to develop our spirituality.

Lotus pose increases concentration


Not content with energizing the body, the lotus pose can also be particularly calming and relaxing. Maintaining good posture, with the spine aligned, facilitates deep and relaxing breathing, with movements being reduced by locking different parts of the body.

The parasympathetic nerves located in the sacrum are stimulated by the pelvis placed on the ground, thus allowing a relaxing effect.

While in the position, whether the arms are tied or resting on the thighs, you should take 10 breaths or hold 10 minutes. This makes it possible to produce apana (one of the five vital breaths) towards the bottom of the body and to release excess energy (vata, in the form of air), which will have the consequence of obtaining a calming effect.

The lotus flower posture, used throughout the month, but also during menstruation, helps to fight against inconvenience, and more particularly against menstrual pain. As we have seen, the practice of yoga will allow us to acquire a certain flexibility, to strengthen our muscles and in particular those of the pelvic floor, and finally to relax our nervous system. Thus the stress being reduced, the regulation of the hormones which intervene in the menstruation will be done in an optimal way.

You can also combine this position with breathing exercises and meditation to increase the relaxing effects. You will find that by then you will feel much more relaxed and in a better mood, ready to face those rules that ruined your life before.

Note that the lotus posture also helps prepare for childbirth in the first months of pregnancy, since it stretches the pelvic floor, prepares the vaginal opening, and opens the hips.


Start by sitting comfortably on your glutes. Bring your feet and toes towards you. Correctly straighten your back, as if you are stretching upwards, and place your shoulders well back.

Then bring the right foot back to the crease of the left groin, as high as you can. Do the same with the left foot, placing it on the crease of the right groin.

You must now glue your knees to the ground to best secure the position. If you are not flexible enough to do it simply, you can add a yoga brick or a small cushion under your buttocks, it will make the posture easier.

Finally, place your hands flat on your knees, or make the classic circle with your thumb and forefinger.

Remember to breathe well with your nose, because breathing is particularly important as we have seen previously.


The lotus pose is one of the most famous yoga poses. Simple to make, it will suit anyone looking to relax their mind and feel general well-being. It will have multiple benefits, and thanks to it you will find flexibility and vitality.


Do you 


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