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5 essential super foods for yoga

 What are superfoods?

Superfoods  are natural foods that help boost your energy and your immune system . They have a very high concentration of minerals, vitamins, trace elements, micronutrients, essential fatty acids and / or antioxidants. Most of the superfoods we know have been around since ancient times! We advise you to choose them organic to avoid pesticides and to consume them preferably fresh and raw (no roasted almonds for example) so that they keep their properties intact.

1) Almonds: The energy boost before a yoga class 

These are super foods high in fiber, magnesium, calcium and vitamin E. Almonds are super healthy as a snack. We generally advise you not to eat at least 2 hours before a yoga class , but if necessary, you can take a small handful of almonds before a class for a little boost!

2) Turmeric: the perfect spice for golden milk in yoga 

The curcumin present in the rhizome of the plant makes turmeric one of the 5 most antioxidant superfoods on our planet! In addition, it is known for its anti-inflammatory properties : it therefore plays a key role in the health of the skin, bones, joints and it helps strengthen the immune system. Turmeric is also used to prepare the yogi drink par excellence, the famous golden milk: do not hesitate t

3) Chia seeds: fight against cardiovascular diseases 

These super foods are very high in fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 . Chia seeds even help reduce cardiovascular risk factors. 

4) Goji berries: 100% energy cocktail of nutrients 

These super foods alone contain 21 trace elements , 18 amino acids, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C and E), fatty acids and many other nutrients. Just that ! Goji berries in particular help boost energy and endurance, improve memory, reduce stress and regulate cholesterol.

5) Spirulina: an ally superfood for yogis and athletes 

 This microalgae is very rich in provitamins A (beta-carotene), B1 and B2. Source of copper, zinc and manganese, it contains trace elements essential for our health. It is an ideal super food for yogis and athletes, because it is very rich in protein (60 to 70%): it contains all the essential amino acids and thus helps to increase muscle mass . It is also a very good source of iron, because it provides 20% of the RDI for 5 g easily assimilated. You can consume it in the form of tablets and if you are not afraid of its taste, you can use it in powder by adding it in your smoothies, your yogurts or your compotes!
