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"You experience what you think"


"You experience what you think"

Thought is the ancestor of action.

If you want to improve your actions, you will need to purify your thoughts.

Have confidence in yourself and your effort.

You can determine your destiny by the force of your thoughts.

Just as clouds are the primary source of rain, controlling your thoughts will be the source of your lasting prosperity.

You yourselves are your own friend or your enemy. 

The nature of the things around you is as you think it is. Your life is made by your thoughts.

Thoughts are the building blocks of your personality. 

The world around you is a reflection of your thoughts.

You experience what you think.

You have become fearful of having kept thoughts of fear within you.

You are affected only by the things which relate to the idea which you have of it.

The mind values ​​only that in which it has strong faith.

Although we all see the same object, each of us attaches a different value to it.

You think according to your inclinations.

No one is born perfect, but there is room for improvement for everyone.

Trials and difficulties should make each of us a better being rather than creating complexes within us and strangling our minds and hearts.

Find refuge in noble and righteous thoughts and you will attain perfection.



Swami Sivananda, The Power of Thought


  1. Super!! Beautifully written ��

  2. Thank you for sharing this inspirational post!!!
