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Different types of meditation

Here is a guide to the most common types of yoga:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Spiritual meditation
  • Focused  meditation
  • Movement  meditation
  • Mantra  meditation
  • Transcendental  meditation
  • Loving - kindness  meditation


Where there is meditation,

Always increase the energy of inspiration,

While balancing our mind. 

Which gives us inspiration,

To be connected with infinite.


Different types of yoga

 Here is a guide to the most common types of yoga.

1) Hatha yoga

2) Karma yoga

3) Bhakti yoga

4) Jnana yoga

5) Raja yoga

6) Mantra yoga

7) Tantra yoga


It purifies the hearts and minds,

The bodies and souls,

The man of meditation,

Bringing you soon strength,

To fight against all challenges.
